Monday, April 10, 2023

BING and Image Creator............


.......created images with the prompt of"'The Fool' tarot card of an astronaut on the moon in the style of Rembrandt".   This is my first effort at trying any of the new AI image generators, but I have to say it's impressive.


  1. Very nice, BG. I love the color palettes on these; lustrous.

    1. Well, aside from coming up with the prompt idea, I had nothing to do with the images, but yes, they are quite lustrous in the Old Master style. What I find intriguing about such AI generated images is that they can certainly be the first step in the design process. If you look closely, often limbs or faces are distorted or the backgrounds extrude through the figures, but it's a starting place.

  2. You had nothing to do with the images? You just punched in some prompts? I'm not really getting this... and, on second thought, I do wonder if AI misinterpreted the Fool card... as I might expect it to! ;-)

    1. These images are the ones that came straight from Image Creator. You punch in a prompt and typically 4 images are spit out within about 20 seconds. And yes, the intentions (such as the Fool card) are often misinterpreted....but with some fine tuning of the prompts and some patience, better results can be obtained.

  3. 20 seconds, eh? Why do I find this so dismaying?

    1. Actually the entire process is a bit dismaying -- but in part because if it's this good now, how good will AI image creations be in a few years? I have not tried any of the other AI image creators, but I've read that "Stable Diffusion" is probably the best generator at the moment. At any rate, there's no going back damn the torpedos and full speed ahead! Eh?

    2. And, therein lies the death of digital art... possibly all art. I'm kind of glad I was forced to move out of the digital arena. On the other hand, it looks like humans are being made redundant in all arenas... and to what end?
