Monday, June 5, 2023

Art Abandonment Project........... with oil paint monoprints.   Planning on leaving them on my daily morning walks.   Idea from Dan Tirels on YouTube.


  1. I love all your new stuff, BG, especially the monolith prints... and these!!! Fantastic and a real masterstroke of an idea to just leave them around on your daily walk. Love them. :-)

    1. the idea from a few videos on YouTube where Dan Tirels leaves a rock monoprint at the shore. I thought to scale it down a bit and leave them on my walks -- urban petrographs. I think I am addicted to monoprinting now. It's my last creative endeavor every evening -- sort of a winding down. Most end up in the discard pile, but every now and then I get one I like. Thank you!
