Sunday, September 8, 2019

This Week........

Large pumpkin with crows - roughly 15" tall x 12" diameter.  Build 2.

Large pumpkin build 1 with attendant jack-o-lanterns's MORE pumpkins....this is a taste of what's cooking on the burners.  The large pumpkins are hand-built via coil and balloon.  The smaller ones are thrown on the wheel.  And oh yes, there are even more.....tis nearly the season, eh?


  1. Crow pumpkin: SUCCESS! Yahoo!

    I don't know. sweets. but I would say you are a natural with pumpkins. Really. You have heard the Great Pumpkin's voice - you have been chosen! Go for it!

    1. MAY be my calling!!

      I'm going for it!! I even have pumpkin-headed Crow-Kin in progress.

      Amazing what one small request starts, isn't it? AND I was just thinking, I'm probably going to be very tired of pumpkins by the time I get all these done.

  2. Ah, a pumpkin-headed Crow Kin... a seasonal offering. But, are you quite certain it isn't a new species? The Pumpkinheads, for instance? ;-)

    You will NEVER tire of pumpkins! :-D

    1. I may never tire of closed forms, but not so sure about pumpkins....tho, natural organic forms have an allure...

      Speaking of pumpkin heads - that is an exploratiin in progress as well ;)
