Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Earth Bowl Series......

"Earth Bowl #5"

"Earth Bowl #3"

"Earth Bowl #6"

Handbuilt bowls with cone 04 crater glaze variations and multiple oxide/glaze treatments between layers.  Approximately 8-inch diameter, 3-5-inches high.


  1. What makes the lava? These look like cracked volcanic crust like you see from Hawaii.
    In the pictures they look alive.

    1. OH...and the top bowl was my first attempt at making it look freshly erupted. The bottom bowl is also fired to a higher temperature to get the glaze to break more.

  2. The lava look is accomplished with the crater glaze (the same glaze that's on every bowl). To make the bottom bowl look MORE volcanic, I glazed the bowl red to begin with, then a coat of red iron oxide, then crater glaze bottom, a coat of crater glaze top (with black mason stain added), then another coat of red iron oxide stain.
